Friday, June 6, 2008

"The Key 2 The Kingdom"

My book is a 365 day devotional of profound divine wisdom that will give you insight and perception beyond your natural comprehension, the ability to see things like you never seen them before. The door of supernatural revelation is open. God has a secret just for you. Don't let the door of oppertunity close on you. God is trying to reveal to his people where the treasure is hidden in the dark places, it belongs to you. My words of wisdom will help you understand the mind of God, what's on his heart, and what your part in the end time harvest is. The best investment you can make is on your mind, so invest today, tomorrow may be too late. God said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.


Everything changed on April 17, 2005, no more labels, fears, and doubts. I gave my life to Christ, the outcome is Victory.

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